The Speed Experiment

A simple world supporting the formation of a hypothesis, verifying the hypothesis by experiment and forming a conclusion based on the findings.
In this world, there are several different Minecraft lanes that are 100 meters long. The student’s task is to measure the time it takes to traverse a specified route on different surfaces and by different means of transport, whether on mining carts, horses, mules, or even on a saddled pig. He can ride a boat on an ice track (a very fast means of transportation in Minecraft), swim in water or lava. He can use enchanted objects or potions, either on himself or on animals, to try out the effect these enchantments have on the speed of movement.

Whenever a student enters the track, a timer is started to measure his time. The time stops when he crosses the finish line.
The time can be measured in seconds or in ticks. Tick is Minecraft’s internal “clock” and one second is 20 ticks, so the measurement in ticks is more precise.
According to the time, he can calculate his average speed.
Which means of transport is the fastest?
Which is the slowest?
Which enchantment is the most effective?
How much faster was he in the ice boat than when he was travelling in the mine cart?
There can be many more questions asked, invent them and discuss them with your students or kids.
Let your children test their hypotheses with an experiment. Allow them to have fun and educate themselves at the same time.

This world is again free to download for Minecraft: Education and Minecraft Bedrock (Windows, Android, iOS…)

Hint: If you are using this world on Bedrock edition, there are means of transportation you cannot test in the Education Edition. In Bedrock edition, there is a mob available which you can ride and it can walk on lava, quite fast. It’s called Strider. Try it out. Also, you can switch between two different surfaces on the last lane, you can select lava or soul sand. This is because, in the Bedrock edition, there is an enchantment called Soul Speed. Using boots with this enchantment you can walk very fast on soul sand, without it, it is very slow.

To get to the download page, please follow this link