Oh, no! The cube broke. Can you fix it?

This small and fun world takes the player into a 3D world of geometry and mathematics.

His task is at first glance very simple. 

The player is going to be confronted with a “broken” cube of 4x4x4 dimensions. His task is to find out how many blocks are missing in the cube and repair it.

How to do it?

First, he must find out how many blocks are missing. When he figures it out, he selects the number of missing blocks on the panel.

He then gets as many blocks as he has selected.

Finally, he must complete the cube, fixing it with the blocks so that it is a complete 4x4x4 cube. Not a single block must be missing. Not a single block must be left in his inventory.

In the end, he checks if his work was correct, that is, a completed cube and no blocks in the inventory.

Simple, isn’t it?

The player has five attempts and at the end, he gets an evaluation according to the number of times he managed to complete the task successfully.

To see how this world works, take a look at our short video

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